Saturday, October 1

Are You Exposed to Gamma Radiation?

If you fly on airplanes and have long layovers, you have been exposed. These gamma rays are stronger the higher up you go. The rays are generated by free radicals which are harmful to the skin and is a primary source of premature aging of the skin. The more exposure, the greater the damaging effects.
Helpful Strategies before stepping on an airplane
Prevention from the Inside/Out:
1.  Take an anti-oxidant multi-vitamin.
2.  Hydrate with green tea beverages: before, during, and after flights.
3.  Alcohol is a diuretic and can dehydrate the skin.  If you do drink opt for only 1 glass of red wine, which is an anti-oxidant. 
Protect from the Outside/In:
1.  Use an anti aging moisturizer containing SPF.
2.  Keep the "window shades" down.
3.  Get as much rest as possible.

Anti-Aging Products

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